How to Replace a Sump Pump

How to Replace a Sump Pump

1. Open your sump pit. 2. Remove your old sump pump. Disconnect the discharge pipe from your existing sump pump. 3. *Optional* Replace your check valve. If your check valve could use a replacement, replace it using PumpSpy’s Clear Quiet Sump Pump Check Valve –...
Prepare Your Home for Winter Power Outages

Prepare Your Home for Winter Power Outages

Power outages are an annoyance regardless of season, but frigid temps, ice storms and snow melt flooding can make winter power outages especially dangerous for you and your home. The most important thing to know in order to best prepare for such an event is to have a...
Complete Your Smart Home, Prevent Water Damage

Complete Your Smart Home, Prevent Water Damage

The world of smart home technologies has been gaining momentum over the last couple of years and is only going to grow more rapidly. We’ve all heard of the Alexas, the door cameras and the fancy kitchen appliances. But what if you had a piece of smart home technology...
How Snowbirds Can Protect Their Homes While They’re Away

How Snowbirds Can Protect Their Homes While They’re Away

Snowbirds are gearing up for winter – preparing to fly south and abandon their homes during the colder months. Whether you’re leaving for the entire season or just needing a warm holiday gateway, it’s important that your house is protected while you’re...